
Fifth International Symposium on Comparative Culture
Know Thine Enemy : Cultural Perspectives on Antagonistic Dynamics

Saturday, June 13
Kanagawa University, Yokohama Campus
Building 17, Room 215

This one-day, English-language symposium will bring together 9 scholars working in Japan, Germany, Malaysia and Hong Kong to discuss a theme that is important to a wide range of disciplines.

For an overview of the event’s conception and theme, please see the symposium announcement.
For the titles of the symposium’s three sessions, names of presenters, titles of presentations and the event schedule please see the symposium schedule.
For abstracts of the presentations and introductory information about the presenters, please see the symposium program.
For directions to the Yokohama campus of Kanagawa University, please follow this link.

For more information, please contact the event co-organizers:
Stefan Buchenberger:ft101819sc@kanagawa-u.ac.jp
Christian Ratcliff:ratcliff@kanagawa-u.ac.jp
Kimie Oshima:k-oshima@kanagawa-u.ac.jp